RefactorU is not longer operating
RefactorU is a selective, 10-week, hands-on, immersive web application development boot camp in beautiful Boulder, Colorado. You’ll learn modern full-stack development from world-class instructors. You’ll create your own applications and build a portfolio of projects to share with employers. There are a limited number of spaces available for each boot camp. Boot camps are held roughly quarterly.
HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Node.js, Jasmine, CoffeeScript, Python, jQuery, JS, Websocket, SQL, mongoDB, JSON, command line skills, source control, deployment, pair progamming, Agile/Scrum, behavior driven development, Sublime Text, interviewing, and more.
Financing info:
Financial Aid:
- Fund 100% of RefactorU with no cash down
- 5-year or 10-year terms available
- Expedited application process
- RefactorU is approved to accept the GI Bill
Payment Plan: See More information about financing options
RefactorU Launches Diversity Scholarship Program
RefactorU now offers 27 competitive scholarships for women and minorities underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics careers.
Sean Daken “RefactorU has developed the most comprehensive and rigorous diversity-related scholarships of any accelerated skills bootcamp in the United States,” said Sean Daken, CEO and founder of RefactorU. “We recognize that structural inequality exists, and we are committed to reducing that inequality by offering a competitive scholarship program to foster diversity in the STEM workforce.”
More information about scholarship program
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*** Payment options:
– RefactorU is approved to accept the GI Bill
– expedited process 5 year or 10 year term loans for 100% funding are available through several lending partners
– Alternatively, RefactorU offers several direct financing options to students. Students may choose a 12, 18, or 24 month payment plan with as little as $5,000 down. Contact admissions@refactoru.com to learn more
them side-by-side