Miami-based Wyncode is a 9-week, full-time Ruby on Rails and Javascript development bootcamp immersing ambitious individuals in a demanding and inspiring learning environment engineered to develop successful coders with business acumen.
Wyncode separates itself from other coding bootcamps by focusing on teaching coding skills and the business and leadership skills you need to succeed, whether you plan to start your own company or work for an established one. We are also the only bootcamp located in the dynamic up and coming tech hub of Miami, which is uniquely positioned to become a major tech center due to its entrepreneurial climate and close links to Latin America.
Wyncode’s first cohort begins May 5, 2014 and finishes July 3, 2014.
There will be a two day orientation from May 3rd to 4th as well as two weeks following the end of the cohort for continued business development.
The second cohort begins July 21, 2014.
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them side-by-side