Israel-based 10x.org.il is a 12 weeks of intensive group learning focusing on Python. It includes personal mentoring, targeting immediate employment. No prior programming knowledge required. 10x.org.il is focused on educating and mentoring excellent software developers. Our first program is called “Passionate Web Developer” – a 12 week intensive developer boot camp, targeted at great non-programmers, and leading them to join Israeli startups as web developers through a revolutionary training trail and apprenticeships in great companies.
We value and practice open source technologies and see software development as a craft.
We are very happy to announce SuperBootcamp – our 4 week Python, Django, JS and AngularJS program for software developers converting to Open Source.
The bootacamp will start on May 29, 2016.
Registration is already open.
Prices range from free to job seekers (80% of the participants) to NIS 8,000 for freelancers/private participants to NIS 12,000 for employees sent by their company.
Syllabus (in English): https://www.10x.org.il/superbootcamp/syllabus/
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