Devschool’s mission is to provide affordable, personal, expert web development instruction. Their program consists of a total of 600 hours of programming and web development education. It includes 40 one on one sessions with an expert instructor, 100 hours of non-profit real world internship, up to 5 group sessions a week, pair programming, and they provide you a job at graduation.
Interview: During your time interviewing at Devschool you will meet with your Instructor, a current student, and then a decision will be made if you are a cultural fit for the school (hint, culture means you like to get shit done and you don’t make excuses)
If you are accepted job through the program, you might be eligible for refund. Refunds are prorated and you can find more info at https://devschool.rocks/terms
Scholarship: Devschool has a $500 discount for ex-service members from any recognized military branch from any country
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them side-by-side