Dev Bootcamp
Dev Bootcamp is an immersive 9-week Ruby on Rails programming program founded by Shereef Bishay, Jesse Farmer, and Dave Hoover in February 2012. It is designed to make graduates job-ready by the end of the program. Dev Bootcamp is headquartered in San Francisco, California, with an additional location in Chicago, Illinois.
The program is 9 weeks of intensive training in professional web development, including Ruby on Rails, HTML5, CSS, and Javascript. The program takes students with little or no prior programming experience and teaches them the fundamentals of computer programming. The program’s goal is to develop the necessary skills within the students to make them job-ready for an entry-level developer position. Applicants have varied backgrounds, ranging from students who have master’s degrees in computer science to Starbucks baristas.
The program values learning by building and doing; in contrast to traditional classrooms, Dev Bootcamp students work through a series of programming challenges, usually working in pairs or small groups, which culminates in a final group project. The tuition costs are $12,200 for the 9 week, 40 hour per week program. Although traditional class hours are 9am-6pm on weekdays, most students stay nights and weekends, which amounts to an approximate 70-80 hours per week. Dev Bootcamp organizes hiring days for technology companies to interview students. They then collect a referral fee from employers that hire their graduates, and they pass along part of that fee to the graduate in the form of a hiring bonus. Of individuals who graduate from Dev Bootcamp, 95% find jobs with an average starting salary of $85,000
In December, Dev Bootcamp announced that they were expanding to Chicago, with a class launching in spring 2013
- Startups Court Dev Bootcamp’s Ruby Grads: 88% Have Offers At Average Of $79K (techcrunch)
- How Dev Bootcamp Is Transforming Education To Focus On “Extreme Employability” (techcrunch)
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- Dev Bootcamp’s Site
- Dev Bootcamp’s Blog
- Dev Bootcamp’s Curriculum
- Dev Bootcamp’s Twitter
- Dev Bootcamp’s Facebook
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